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I want you to get the most out of your body and mind so you can live a happy, healthy life. During the reproductive years when the experience of loss can be especially traumatic, effecting one’s sense of self and relationship with others —infertility; recurrent miscarriage, being diagnosed with a condition such as Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI/POF) and genetic issues. I know how hard it is to find time for yourself and even harder to make changes that stick.
I work with couples who have reached that one-year mark, (and well beyond), and have received a formal diagnosis of infertility.
Clients start to experience more serious, emotional symptoms. That’s where I come in as a fertility coach as well as Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW).
Anxiety, depression, and relationship challenges are common with infertility. My first meeting includes an overall client assessment. The focus is primarily on the current issues surrounding infertility; however, past losses usually get triggered once people are facing infertility. Part of my job is to help people see this connection and understand how it might be impacting them in the present.
In our sessions, I can help you clarify what you want and navigate the route to achieving your parenting goals. Whether you want to have a child on your own with the help of a sperm donor, or are struggling with your partner to conceive, I can support you through your journey. I know firsthand how important is to address the mind and spirit, as well as the physical body, during moments of conception.
I help women and couples cope with infertility. To make an appointment just fill out the form and click Submit Message.
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(702) 901-3437
4315 N Rancho Dr #110
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